Radio Control Yacht
Dibley IOM Press Release, April 2011
04 11 Topic: Dibley Newsletter
Early in 2011, Carl Smith, Graham Roberts and Antony Sisson, approached Dibley Marine in regards to producing the DM range of International One Metre (IOM) radio controlled yachts that have dominated the New Zealand fleets since they came on the scene back in 2009. Carl Smith was Dibley Marine’s first client back in the early 1990’s when he built the Dibley 650 sportsboat ‘Stealth’. Carl is currently building his third Dibley designed yacht, a 40-foot Canting Keeler which he is hoping to launch sometime this year. Joining Carl in the IOM venture is Graham Roberts who runs coaching and mentoring sessions at the Tauranga Radio Sailing Club, and Antony Sisson who, as a New Zealand Boatbuilder, has been building IOM’s, in his spare time, for as long as he can remember.
Dibley November 2009 Newsletter
11 09 Topic: Dibley Newsletter
We are often asked how the process works when a client approaches us for a design, or has ideas they want to bounce around before committing to a project. Our projects are quite diverse and we find that the most successful way of approaching a new design is to split the project into ‘Preliminary and Working Drawing’ stages.
The Preliminary Stage allows the designer & client to get a clear understanding of what is required and to put this into initial drawings. It is the foundation of all future work and everything that follows will be based on these drawings. Costs for the preliminary work depend on the project on hand and we would supply a quote on a project-by-project bases.